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Production companies for filming documentaries within the project "Building Together" have been selected

The ad for hiring a production company for filming a documentary within the project "Building Together" was answered by a total of 16 candidates. After a careful selection process, two of the applicants have been chosen – production companies Osmougao and EAI, which will receive funds and support for filming the proposed documentaries from the organizations implementing the project.
The idea of Osmougao production is to record several parallel stories which would display similarities in the life habits of refugees and local population in Serbia. Protagonists of the documentary would be refugees from Reception Centers in Serbia, as well as Serbian citizens.
In the process of filming, EAI production will provide video cameras to a number of refugees and encourage them to record their everyday life by making video diaries. Video cameras will be provided not only to refugees, but also to humanitarian workers.
Both documentaries will be filmed by the end of the year, when the premieres will be organized as well.
The project “Building Together – Community Monitoring and Advocacy” is aimed at improving the position of migrants and refugees in Serbia and Macedonia, especially women and children among them. In six municipalities in Serbia – Subotica, Sid, Sremska Mitrovica, Belgrade, Presevo, Vranje – and four municipalities in Macedonia – Kumanovo, Gevgelija and two municipalities in Skopje – in cooperation with state institutions, local governments and civil society, the project “Building Together” shall improve the quality of coexistence of local population and migrants. The project is being implemented by Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Citizens’ Association “Atina” and NGO Macedonian Lawyers Association, with the financial support of European Union.