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Bujanovac High School Students Against Human Trafficking
Marijana Savić Awarded the French Order of Merit
Merci. Hvala.
Human Trafficking in Serbia: A Crisis That Has Been Ignored for Too Long
Human Trafficking in Serbia: Alarms We Cannot Ignore
A day of remembrance, gratitude, and commitment to change
Together Against Human Trafficking!
New Policy Paper Calls for Stronger Regional Cooperation to Ensure Housing for Women Survivors of Violence in the Western Balkans
Atina and the Center for Victim Protection against Human Trafficking Strengthen Cooperation:
Atina Gathers Experts: Programs for Empowering Women and Girls Victims of Violence Presented
Fostering Inclusion and Reconciliation through Grassroots Sports
European Anti-Trafficking Day Marked in Vranje
Tribute to Helga Konrad
International Day of the Girl: What Kind of World Are We Leaving Behind for Them?
“Safe Haven” in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Victims must be trusted and supported
Human Traffickers often "get away" with symbolic sanctions
Marijana Savić: It is necessary to establish a sincere partnership
Marijana Savić: Heroine of the Fight Against Human Trafficking
2024 Trafficking in Persons Report Released: Serbia on the Watch List
To what extent is the problem of abuse of child labour recognised in Serbia?
The Number of Forcibly Displaced People Worldwide at a Record High
A New Master's Program, "Law and Gender," has been launched at the Faculty of Law
Every Life is Valuable
Bagel Bejgl - a female enterprise that supports women survivors of human trafficking
Protecting Children from Abuse and Forced Labor in Serbia
A new professional association, the Women's Judicial Center, has been established
Eliberare and Atina together in the fight against human trafficking
UK State Minister of Europe, Nusrat Ghani, visits the Atina organisation
Beyond Awareness-Raising: Reshaping Human Trafficking Prevention
Research the digital dimension of GBV against women and girls in Serbia
Case studies on gender-based violence in the digital space
Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
UNVTF Board of Trustees
More Effective Response to Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence in Migrant Populations
Compassion Without Prejudice is the Core of Addressing Human Trafficking Issues
Safe House. Safe Woman.
Cooperation in the protection of victims of violence and human trafficking cannot wait
Enhancement of safety and security of victims of domestic and partner violence in the safe houses in Serbia
They started with five employees and now have the most prominent companies among their customers
ToR for a consultant to develop a brief aimed at showcasing the judicial cases of HT and GBV in Bosnia and Herzegovina
NGO Atina became a member of the Working Group for Chapter 35 of the National Convention
A regular meeting of the Local Anti-Trafficking Team of the City of Subotica held
Trailblazing Advocates: Women on the Move Chronicles
Give girls their deserved place in society
ToR for the Facilitator of the workshops/outreach activities with youth
The national feminist youth “With and For Girls” Club has been founded
The XVI Annual Prosecutorial Symposium held in Neum
My life after revenge pornography
Pioneers of progression in their respective environments - Transgenerational feminist learning
ToR for a consultant to develop case studies aimed at showcasing the present system of identification, referral, and protection of victims of HT and GBV in Serbia
Democracy Embraces Diversity: Celebrating and Empowering Migrant Women's Participation
Prevention of sexual exploitation in Serbia
Together we can do more
Working with children, witnesses, and victims of domestic violence is crucial for the future of us all
A Counseling center for children victims of violence opened in Niš
Practitioners in Combating Gender-Based Violence and Human Trafficking with a Special Focus on Migration
Digital violence as a priority topic of youth activism
TikTokers who promote science speak of threats and insults
United States Ambassador to Serbia visited NGO “Atina” and presented important messages
Existing and new problems of victims of human trafficking after the coronavirus pandemic
Terms of Reference for the Trainers to conduct a training “Improving the knowledge and skills of professional workers in work with children witnesses or victims of domestic violence”
Practitioners in Combating Human Trafficking with a Special Focus on Migration
The new study’s findings point out to obstacles that migrant women face in political and democratic participation in Serbia
Training for Improving Competencies of Professionals in Belgrade
Terms of Reference for the Monitoring and Evaluation Expert
Terms of Reference for a MEAL Specialist
How to improve the safety and security of women victims of violence
BRIDGE - Stepping Forward in the Protection of Women and Girls in Kosovo and Serbia
Bagel Bejgl - a vision of the future recognized by the Council of Europe Development Bank
Council of Europe Development Bank awarded Atina and Bagel Bejgl
Are we doomed?
ToR for the trainer of 2-day training for capacity building of CSOs and institutions
Vukosava Crnjanski was awarded the National Order of Merit of France
It is necessary to form a coalition of all Safe houses for victims of violence in Serbia
ToR for the expert for development of case studies of victims of human trafficking
ToR for the expert to conduct interviews with THB victims in Serbia
ToR for the facilitator of focus groups with professionals involved in the areas of prevention of THB and GBV and protection of victims in Serbia
ToR for the expert on the subject of a comparative analysis of the current legislation and practices in combating trafficking in human beings in Serbia
Economic empowerment of women with the experience of migration in Serbia
Prevention of burnout syndrome in professionals working with victims of gender-based violence
Club "With and for girls" from Novi Pazar
Seeing the world from a woman's perspective is the key to change and improvement of the lives of women and girls
Youth education as the key to a more equal and just society - Club "With and for girls" from Belgrade
Hands of strength and solidarity - Club "With and for girls" from Vranje
Commitment to the present and investment in the future
Not even 30% of the necessary places in safe houses is available in Serbia!
Strengthening partnerships within the ECPAT network
Do safe houses in Serbia have sufficient capacities for victims of domestic violence?
Terms of Reference for the Trainers to conduct a training “Prevention of burnout syndrome in working with victims of gender-based violence”
The existing capacities of safe houses in Serbia correspond to a quarter of the prescribed minimum
At the meeting with the Commissioner on the protection of gender-based violence victims
How to improve the accessibility and capacities of safe houses in the Republic of Serbia?
Effects of the lockdown measures on girls and women trafficking survivors
Recognizing the concept and status of victim essential for achieving justice
Terms of Reference for the Editor of the Report on the position of Afghans in Serbia
EU cooperation to address normalisation of violence against women and girls
Atina's representative, Marijana Savić, at the first Gender Equality Hub at the World Economic Forum
Women’s Advocacy Group in a work meeting with Local Anti-Trafficking Team in Subotica
Girls on the move are Pippi Longstockings of the 21st century
"Woman, life, freedom!"
Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden presented an award to Atina
Terms of Reference for the Consultant to conduct a needs assessment for capacity development of safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia
“Women deserve to receive trustworthy, timely, proactive and non-judgmental services”
Providing support to women and girls, victims of sexual gender-based violence
Free Europe - 'I thought a thousand time – I wish I were born as a boy'
ToR for the trainers for the training: Supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention
ToR for a Training facilitator for the training: Supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention
Terms of Reference for the Consultant to develop an emergency plan for safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia
Terms of Reference for a Lecturer to conduct presentations on the subjects of burnout, trauma and emotional fatigue as well as stress prevention techniques
Terms of Reference for a Lecturer to conduct presentation on the subjects of understanding of trauma and traumatic approach to victims and communication in a situation of intense feelings
Terms of Reference for the Mentors to conduct tailored mentorship support for improving the accessibility and capacity of safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia
Terms of Reference for the Experts to conduct training sessions on the subject of providing support to women and children sexual violence survivors
Terms of Reference for the Trainers to conduct a training on the subject of providing support to women and children sexual violence survivors
ToR for a Researcher to conduct an evaluation of the empowerment workshops and counseling sessions with migrant and refugee women and girls
ToR for a Workshop facilitator for the empowerment workshops with migrant and refugee women
ToR for the researcher on the subject of supporting practitioners in working with SGBV victims and burnout prevention
Girls who make noise and fight to expand the space for women's activism in Serbia
Educated girls can change the world
Girls on the move in Bosnia and Serbia and Pippi Longstocking
Subotica: Roundtable on the topic of risks and dangers from human trafficking
How can we improve the quality of safe housing services?
Why is it important to have women's organizations run safe houses for women victims of violence?
Which safe housing services exist in Europe?
Which support services should victims of gender-based violence have access to according to the Istanbul Convention?
Why is the safe housing service important for women victims of domestic violence?
Join NGO Atina's action
NGO Atina at the CCPCJ side event - Operationalizing engagement in the Blue Heart Campaign
Prostitution in Serbia goes under the radar: What are the penalties and whom they are most often imposed on
61 journalists in the Balkan region trained on Gender-Sensitive Reporting
Milan Aleksić: A mistake of state institutions does not imply a permit for the media to continue violating the privacy of victims
Mocking both victims and institutions: How a convicted pimp Mihailo Maksimović became a seemingly important guest on national television programs
Terms of Reference for the Consultant for development of the Communication strategy for NGO Atina 2022-2027
Terms of Reference for the Experts for the development of the Wellbeing and Support Guide for the NGO Atina staff
RED NOSES International with children displaced from Ukraine
Insajder - Taboo: Sexual Predators on the Internet
Ethical reporting on human trafficking is essential
NGO Atina working with survivors of human trafficking in Serbia receive IT equipment
In Serbian Academia, a Flawed Fight against ‘Tradition’ of Sexual Harassment
Media play an important role in the fight against human trafficking
‘This is Misogyny’: The Growing Abuse Facing Women in Montenegrin Politics
Recognise and react! Protect yourself from human trafficking!
Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor
Bazaar "For the Brave": Refugee and migrant women and girls mark the International Women's Day in Bosilegrad
Come to the march in Belgrade for women's rights, solidarity, and peace, March 8, 2022, 4-7PM
Gold-worthy synergy
How can we support girls on the move?
Why girls on the move are the Pippis of today
3 reasons why “girls on the move” are not the same as boys
Our “girls on the move” in Serbia: their stories
Who are “Girls on the Move”?
More members of working groups than identified victims
Call for Registration: Online Training on Gender-Sensitive Reporting
Terms of Reference for the Consultants for development of proposition of quality standards to ensure a victim-centered and integrated approach to the accommodation provided to VAWG and domestic violence victims in shelters in Serbia
Economic independence is key for women victims of violence
Despair as a compass
Mentoring sessions on gender-equality for high school girls
“With and For Girls – support to local Youth Offices in raising awareness in the area of gender equality “
An interview with the occasion: Ms Biljana Brankovic on Istanbul Convention and the position of migrant women in the situation of long stay
The right to live free from violence
As much as 74 percent of girls victims of violence in Serbia haven’t sought help
Response to the increasing digital violence against women and girls
Protecting the right to privacy and data confidentiality of victims of human trafficking
No excuses, Srbia’s urgent response to the case of workers from Vietnam needed
Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape
Girls on the move are among the bravest and strongest girls in the world
CRC and Atina are empowering children to recognize and report trafficking in human beings in Serbia
Terms of Reference for the Consultants for development of the Analysis on the existing support and protection services provided to VAWG and domestic violence victims in shelters in Serbia
Call for Registration: Online Training on Gender-Sensitive Reporting
Girls and women are the most common victims of human trafficking
Underage girls most common targets
Digital Platform for youth "How to protect yourself from human trafficking?" is launched
NGO Atina: Who cares about the victims’ dignity?
Join us at the roundtable Sustainable Freedom!
Atina: Sexually abused children are being inflicted irreversible damage once their identity is disclosed
Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia
Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk
Terms of Reference for the External Evaluator
Let's trust youth and believe in them!
Children speak of human trafficking
Child trafficking in the Republic of Serbia – ahead of July 30, World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Ahead of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, NGO Atina and Child Rights Centre published a video “Between Dreams and Reality"
Open call: Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in the Balkans
Unacceptable silence of the administration in Serbia
Child trafficking still on the rise in the Western Balkans
How we protect the right to privacy and data confidentiality of victims of human trafficking
Protection of privacy and data confidentiality on victims of human trafficking is the most important task
Mankind owes to the child the best that it has to give
Webinar: Ending trafficking and violence against girls and women in the context of global migrations
The first Thematic Social Dialogue
Winners of the National Forum for Green Ideas 2021
Addressing trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual exploitation through international cooperation
Ending trafficking and violence against women and girls in the context of global migration
Bulletin on promising practices in protecting victims of trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic
A play “Koštana” performed at Vranje theatre
Promising practices: Atina’s response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Promising practices: Letters of migrant and refugee women from isolation
Online counseling with human trafficking victims during the COVID-19 pandemic
Girls and women with the experience of trafficking contributed to shedding light on the issue of violence in digital surroundings
Promising practices: One of the highest human trafficking verdicts in Serbia was issued during the COVID-19 pandemic
A dedicated website has been launched on the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention
Disturbing posters against migrants have been removed from Belgrade buses
N1: It is strange that the case was opened on Palma’s request, relocate it outside of Jagodina
Andrijana Radoičić Nedeljković at a National Congress on human trafficking
When Pandemics Collide: Marijana Savic a panelist at Columbia University webinar
Women against Violence Network: Investigate allegations of sexual exploitation, Marković to resign
Joint statement of women-human rights activists from the Balkan region toward gender-based violence on the Internet
Have we allowed the perpetrators to win and why is the public inclined to judge the victims?
Violation of the right to privacy and data confidentiality of children victims of human trafficking in Serbia
Typical violations of the right to privacy
Monitoring violations of the right to privacy
Commissioner for the Protection of Equality: Warning to the public regarding inadmissible content on Happy TV
Danas - Privacy Week: It is in public interest for the media to protect the identity of children victims of violence, not to reveal it
Trainings on the importance of protecting the right to privacy
Protection of children from violence and sexual exploitation - an obligation of everyone working with children
The pandemic and its shadow: lessons in standing with women’s rights organisations
UN Women: Women activists from the Western Balkans and Turkey determined to change the way they prevent violence against migrant women
With support, young migrants more easily adapt in a crisis
Okruženje - Jelena Hrnjak, Belgrade: The loudest voices are the ones justifying violence
Danas: A third of human trafficking victims are recruited online
Labor exploitation in Europe during COVID-19 pandemic
Danas: How prevalent is labor exploitation in Europe during COVID-19 pandemic?
Andrijana Radoičić Nedeljković: Victims need safety, security, and certainty
BalkanInsight: Study Underscores Link between Human Trafficking and Online Abuse
The hidden form of labor exploitation: domestic servitude during COVID-19
Prosecutor Sena Uzunović: More than 30 million people are exploited in labor, among them are children
Hrnjak Jelena: The problems for victims of violence will only begin after the pandemic calms
Voice of America: Child marriages an issue for girls in Serbia as well
Join us at the On-line Meet-up!
Exploited workers in Europe’s slaughterhouses
5 Female Activists Working to End Femicide — And How You Can Get Involved
Marijana Savic one of the two new Board member of Global Fund for Children
Labor exploitation of truck drivers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Impact of COVID-19 on labor exploitation of migrants at Europe’s farmlands
The pandemic and child labor
Ombudsman: The Ministry failed to annul the work order issued to centers for social work to remove “children in street situations” from their parents
NGO Atina is part of the newly-established SEE Digital Rights Network
We stand in solidarity with women from Turkey #WomenSupportingWomen
Recommendations of women victims of gender-based violence and human trafficking to improve support systems and services
GRETA calls for reinforced support and resources for frontline professionals engaged in combating human trafficking
Civil society and the media will not give up the fight for a democratic and free Serbia
Committed to the Cause: Working on the Frontline to End Human Trafficking
Together we are creating changes - my voice counts as well
Survivor is a person, not evidence
She counts! Empowering girls to make their choices
Young volunteers connecting the Balkans and Germany
Want to increase birth rates? Try gender equality
Growing number of women killed in domestic violence
Join a LIVE discussion on July 10, 2020, at 11AM
Vranje is one of the five cities implementing a project on prevention and combating human trafficking
Vranje is implementing a project on prevention and combating human trafficking
Protection against discrimination “on hold”
Terms of Reference for the Expert to develop a Feasibility study on the establishment of the Local team for prevention and combating trafficking in persons in the city of Belgrade
ATINA at the SIPRU online conference on “Poverty during the COVID 19 pandemic and in post-crises period in the Republic of Serbia” Children are the most common victims of human trafficking
"Isolation did not push us backward, it showed us where we are now!"
Jelena Hrnjak for UN Women: “Women's social entrepreneurship is the right recipe to overcome this and every crisis”
BLIC: "They act as friends, offer a job and quick profits” We investigate: Who and how falls prey to cruel human traffickers
Breakthrough Council members: As long as a single woman in Serbia suffers violence, our voice must be heard
Together. We are creating further. Good deeds Generator: How home-made bagel was created
Jelena Hrnjak: Human Trafficking Victims are the Bravest Women of All
Terms of Reference for a Trainer to conduct trainings on the subject of Access to rights and services for refugee and asylum seeking women and girls in Serbia
Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.
Queer Roma women: We are rejected by our community, we are fraudsters to them
Terms of Reference for a Consultant for mapping services of social protection and local referral pathways
National Coordinator recognized the importance of the Breakthrough Council formed as part of NGO Atina's program
Combating Human Trafficking in Serbia: In 2019, we are still speaking about things that should have been long since eradicated
Marijana Savic spoke at DCI’s 7th International Conference on Child Rights & Sight
Terms of Reference for the Lecturer to conduct workshops on the subject of Child Trafficking within the migrant population
Terms of Reference for the Lecturer to conduct workshops on the subject of Trafficking in human beings and indicators of child trafficking
Serbian child brides: "They sold me before I turned 11 for a chicken, a case of beer and 100 euros"
RTS: Traffickers are mostly known to the victim
What is your understanding of the "Circle of support"
Vesti Online: "Courts as torture chambers"
Raise your voice and make a difference
Turistički Svet: Belgrade hotel in the fight for safer tourism
How violence permeates the lives of migrant and refugee women and girls
Nedeljnik: When a girl is promised, it is set in stone, there is no refusal: How is it possible that Serbia has not banned child marriages yet?
Expert associations question how prohibition of child marriages will be controlled
Bagel Bejgl – social enterprise with a soul
Child Marriages in Serbia
Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment are major causes of social inequality
Interview: Be one of us
Panel »Childhood in Serbia«: Poverty and side effects
The future of reporting on human trafficking from the perspective of journalism students
Women and financial inclusion
Networking for economic empowerment
The ultimate solution in combating violence is achieving equality
Women's Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship
Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on protection of rights of victims of violence among migrant population
Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on the subject of Protection of individuals among refugee and migrant population from gender based violence
Terms of Reference for the Mentoring Expert
Urgent call for competent institutions to respond and condemn hate speech against women
“Economic empowerment is crucial, not only for survivors, but for any woman”
Why women make the best entrepreneurs
Concern over directive issued to centers for social work
Empowering women through social entrepreneurship
Want to increase birth rates? Try gender equality
There need to be more investment opportunities for women entrepreneurs
World Population Day 2019 marked in Belgrade
How the black bagel was born?
Women social entrepreneurs are innovators creating social changes
Terms of Reference for the Evaluation Expert
Trafficking and Femicide: ultimate forms of violence against women
Social enterprises, women entrepreneurship and female leadership are intrinsically linked
Bagel Bejgl is not a bakery, but a vision of future
Where do we draw inspiration for development of social entrepreneurship?
NGO Atina for Radio Free Europe: What comes after trafficking?
Ministry of Justice: How does the Domestic Violence Prevention Act treat the protection of human trafficking victims?
BETA: Child migrants passing through Serbia at risk of becoming human trafficking victims
NGO Atina: Women victims of trafficking at high risk of femicide
Specific support measures to combat all forms of violence against women
Citizens’ Association Atina’s comment on the Draft Social Protection Strategy 2019-2025
NGO Atina signatory to a petition to the President of the European Council
RTS: "Selling bagels to assist victims of violence"
Recognizing criminal offense of human trafficking in Vranje
Competent professionals against life imprisonment without pardon - Atina one of the signatories
Social entrepreneurship as a means of economic empowerment of women
Belgrade in great need of a Local Team for Prevention and Combating Human Trafficking
VESTI Online "Tar and feathers without condemnation"
Canvas painting as a symbolic support to women
Citizens’ Association Atina became a member of the International Social Service (ISS)
"With and For Girls" in Kikinda
How we made it from a local neighborhood bakery to the United Nations headquarters
Local Team in Subotica on supporting the victims of human trafficking
Presentation of the Economic empowerment program for human trafficking victims
An Indelible Mark of a Woman
Political parties, media, and children
Discriminatory gender stereotypes interfere with the improvement of women's rights
Blic News "Unbreakable! Can Mira Trailovic be an example to women today?"
NGO Atina part of the appeal of Coalition Against Discrimination and partner organizations
Economic empowerment to full independence
Key words of social entrepreneurship - networking, cooperation and support
What a woman should do, is allowed to do, and can do
In a survey vast number of girls said they would not report a violent husband
Parent’s sacrifice is expected even nowadays
Boosting Inclusion Through Social Entrepreneurship
Žene na prekretnici: Bagel Bejgl at a panel discussion on social entrepreneurship
Terms of Reference for 2 Trainers to conduct trainings on the subject of Early warning system and protection of children VoTs
Results of the Analysis on correlation between gender stereotypes and gender-based violence were presented
Girls in Serbia – a voice that should be heard
Atina and UNFPA in response to refugee women’s needs
“We have to be solidary, women understand each other best”
NGO Atina to Udovicic: State Secretary’s humiliating behavior with a colleague
B92: "Gender discrimination as an issue of Serbian society"
Blic News "At the gender-based violence event State Secretary insulted women, then hit his colleague's gluteus with papers!?"
Interview with UUSC Partners in Syrian Refugee Crisis Response: Jelena Hrnjak, ATINA
Social entrepreneurship as a means of economic empowerment of women and girls who survived human trafficking
Terms of Reference for Cultural Mediator for the project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia “
Atina at the Conference "Freedom doesn’t have a price“
Citizens’ Association Atina report to GREVIO committee on the application of the Istanbul Convention
Vulnerability to exploitation and human trafficking: The case of Serbia
Atina participated in the Roundtable discussion “Responding to the needs of girls in migration“
A representative of the Citizens’ Association Atina at Law School in Kosovska Mitrovica
Trafficking in human beings: Education against Exploitation
Practitioners in the fight against human trafficking
International Day of Girl Child
Mini-van football adventure in Novi Pazar and Vranje
Social entrepreneurship among key steps to gender equality
Diane von Furstenberg boosts women founders in “Shark Tank”-style pitch competition
Gender-sensitive approach to advocacy and monitoring
2,000 children in Serbia forcibly enter into a marriage union every year
SOS for respecting the law-Press Release by the Women against Violence Network
A training held on “Communication techniques with children “
Global recognition for BAGEL BEJGL's fight against POVERTY and INEQUALITY!
“Women’s voices: Civil society and migrant women’s rights“
Violence against women and girls in Serbia - Between obligations and reality
Initiating the process of drafting the National Social Welfare Protection Strategy 2019-2025
Danube cities against human trafficking
Majority of women refugees suffer abuse
COUNCIL OF EUROPE REPORT: Child exploitation is the greatest challenge
Terms of Reference for Lecturer to conduct Lecture on the subject of Identification of victims of human trafficking among refugee and migrant population for front-line workers
Terms of Reference for 2 Trainers to conduct trainings on the subject of Protection of victims of human trafficking among refugee and migrant population for front-line workers
Terms of Reference for Experts in creation of training programme on the subject of Protection of victims of human trafficking among refugee and migrant population for front-line workers
Together to End Violence against Women and Girls
Atina awarded with a contract for realization of the project “Key steps toward gender equality"
Terms of Reference for Expert writing researches on gender equality
Manual for labor inspectors on the detection and preliminary identification of human trafficking victims
Ideas for a better tomorrow
Bagel Бејгл bakery – a place where solidarity “is growing”
POVERTY FREE WORLD: Social entrepreneurship against poverty
Refugee integration in Serbia is feasible with politician and media support
Draft Law on Free Legal Aid limits right to access to justice
Publication of the French Newsletter No. 10 on combating trafficking in South-East Europe
UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women: NGO Atina one of the grantees in 2018
Campaigns for improving understanding between citizens and migrants in Serbia
Local support for the most vulnerable refugees
When a woman supports other woman, incredible things happen
Together in the fight against human trafficking
Subotica has formed the team for combating human trafficking
No equality until we are all equal
Regional summit of the members of Local networks on the project „Building together“
This is a new experience for us, we are engaged, valued, respected and listened to. Our voice is heard!
Atina’s response to the needs of women refugees
'Stand up against violence'
Local network in Vranje publishes second monitoring report
A workshop for communication with journalists has been held for local coordinators
Marijana Savic: "How I happened to be featured in the Forbes list"
“Partnership in combating human trafficking and all forms of gender-based violence“
Forbes about Marijana Savic, founder of NGO Atina
BIZLife "They were practicing recipes for months and created a Serbian style bagel"
Terms of Reference Experts for public advocacy - building constituency through social media in Local Networks
Terms of Reference Experts for gender sensitive approach to advocacy and monitoring
Terms of Reference for Policy and Knowledge Transfer Handbook Expert
Terms of Reference for the monitoring and evaluation expert for programmes of protection of victims of human trafficking
Terms of Reference for Experts for building capacities of local communities on public advocacy
Terms of Reference Facilitator Expert for 2 round tables, 1 international conference and 1 regional orientation session on migrant integration
Subotica part of the Network for improving the position of migrants
Second regional meeting - Coordinators of local networks in Serbia and Macedonia exchanged experiences on migrant issues
Swiss minister in the visit to NGO Atina and Bagel Bejgl shop
Association "Atina" received an important license
TRANSITION HOUSE – the life within life
NGO Atina licensed the first service for victims of human trafficking in Serbia
Terms of Reference Policy Expert
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Building Together
Response to Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence Among the Asylum and Refugee Population in the Republic of Serbia
Terms of Reference for the Experts for development of Analysis and Summary paper on existing gaps and legal responses to human trafficking, gender-based violence and related crimes among refugee, asylum and migrant population in Serbia
SENSES - SE Bagel Bejgl
Atina as a part of Golda Meir Mount Carmel International Training Center in Israel on combating violence against women and children
Atina learns about the integration of refugees/migrants in the Council of Europe summer school
"Integration of migrants in our society is much needed"
Presentation of the recommendations on the position of asylum seekers, refugees and migrants in Serbia
It is time for the integration of migrants into Serbian society
Migrants staying in Serbia 10 months on average, the state is to create conditions for their integration
Opportunities and obstacles for the inclusion of refugees and migrants into the main streams of society in Serbia
Support to the improvement of migration and asylum management in Serbia
A series of trainings on monitoring completed in Presevo
Local network in Vranje completed the training on monitoring
Tutin combating violence against women and girls
Astra and Atina in a team for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Anti-Trafficking Strategy
Bagel Bejgl at the Social Innovators Conference
A debate on violence against women and girls has been launched in six cities
Marijana Savic and Atina received an award for activism
Issue of migrants - an issue affecting entire society
A series of trainings on the topic of monitoring began in Sid
Atina as a part of the third OSCE simulation-based training on combating human trafficking
Representative of NGO Atina participated at the Regional Seminar on “Moving Forward in Addressing Migration – related Crimes in South-Eastern Europe”
The story of Paul: our SHL volunteer
Project “Building Together” in Sremska Mitrovica
Atina at the conference “Good Practices and Challenges in Supporting Children in Migration”
Revising the strategic plan in 2017
Terms of reference for Expert in designing interactive training material and application for professionals about human trafficking and gender based violence
Terms of reference for Expert for methodology for interactive online training’s for professionals about human trafficking and gender based violence
Supporting economic empowerment of victims of human trafficking through social enterprise Bagel Bejgl
“Building Together” in Macedonia: four local networks have been formed in three cities
A film about Mursal and Marija-our story about the coexistence of refugees and citizens of Serbia
Together with Doctors of the World Atina held a training for professionals in Sid
Atina's representative gave a speech at the House of the National Assembly
Atina at the international conference “MAN2017: Europe talks on masculinity”
Making laws work to end violence against women and girl
Dutch MP in the visit to NGO Atina
Third of the victims are children, we will do everything to eradicate “modern slavery” in Serbia
Strengthening the fight against human trafficking
The work on forming local networks for monitoring and advocacy began
NGO Atina at the international seminar “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation”
The city of Vranje is a part of the project "Let’s Build Together"
The state must react and protect victims of domestic violence!
Israeli Ambassador in the visit to NGO Atina and Bagel Bejgl shop
NGO Atina on the Global Compact for Safe Migration in the Western Balkans
NGO Atina at the Sixth Western Balkans Civil Society Forum
Representative of Atina at a panel with Nadia Murad
NGO Atina at the working meeting The rights of unaccompanied and separated refugee children in Serbia
Office for the Coordination of Activities in Combating Trafficking in Human Beings began working
Together we are building a space for the integration of migrants and refugees
Together we are building a coexistence of migrants and local populatio
Mr Norbert Beckmann: We have to stand together as humans
Interview for the magazine "Business&Finance": Work has protected women
UNODC Goodwill Ambassador Nadia Murad raises her voice to make world listen about human trafficking crimes
The story of Nora: our volunteer
Production companies for filming documentaries within the project "Building Together" have been selected
“European Open Space to analyze, strategize, and (re)claim rights of female Refugees and Migrants” report
The Global Fund for Children: Trusting in the Power of Local
Atina on the refugee crisis with future journalists
Third meeting of the Committee on labor, social issues, social inclusion and poverty reduction
First public hearing of the Committee on labor, social issues, social inclusion and poverty reducation
Bagel Бејгл in the campaign #možedrugačije
Terms of Reference For Experts for developing training program on advocacy and training implementation
Together we are building a space for the integration of migrants and refugees
Publications: Child marriages in Serbia
Unaccompanied refugee children are exposed to risk in Balkan
The Global Fund for Children: Trusting in the Power of Local
Terms of Reference For Experts for delivering training program on monitoring and training implementation
Terms of Reference For Experts for developing training program on advocacy and training implementation
Terms of Reference for Expert for development of methodology for participatory monitoring in Serbia and Macedoni
Terms of Reference Lead Expert for development of the comprehensive analysis of the position of migrants in Serbia and Macedonia
Tightening of Borders Makes Women Invisible Along Balkan Refugee Route
Terms of Reference Lead Communication Expert(s)
Terms of Reference for the Production of a Documentary Film on the Status of Refugees in Serbia and Macedonia
Terms of Reference Lead Expert(s) for developing a methodology for participatory monitoring and for development of the comprehensive analysis of the position of migrants in Serbia
Terms of Reference for the Expert for development of the comprehensive analysis of the position of migrants in Serbia/baseline researcher
Terms of Reference Expert for developing a methodology for participatory monitoring
Terms of reference for the Lecturer on human trafficking with a specific emphasize on judicial norms within trafficking in human beings
Marijana Savic: A heroine who moves the boundaries
Refugee children in Belgrade as the victims of violence?
Crossing into Hungary, with nothing but hope
Saudi Arabia launches girls' council - without any girls
International women’s day in Krnjaca
Terms of reference for the Lecturer on human trafficking with a specific emphasize on judicial norms within trafficking in human beings
Terms of reference for the Lecturer on gender based violence with a specific emphasize on forensic and medical indicators for recognizing survivors of violence
Pride and Joy of the Program for Reintegration
Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of children among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and interesectoral cooperation between relevant stakeholders
Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of gender based violence and human trafficking among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers
Terms of reference for Data collector for research on GBV among refugees in Serbia
Terms of reference for Expert in designing research methodology and conducting research finding analysis
NGO Atina celebrates 14th birthday!
Belgrade center as an El Dorado for smugglers of refugees
David McAllister in the visit to NGO Atina
This is why migrants are living on the streets in arctic cold in Serbia
NGO Atina paticipated in the project “Vreme against violence”
NGO Atina participated in the Regional Expert Group Meeting
Marijana Savić among 16 voices
16 Days of Activism with Women Refugees in Serbia
Open letters: Refugee crisis from women’s perspective
Terms of reference for Expert in training the trainers for human trafficking and gender-based violence issue
Terms of reference for Expert in designing the methodology for empowerment workshops for refugee woman and girls
NGO Atina is Hyatt Thrive partner for 2016
Study visit to Slovenia for the fight against organized crime
Representatives of NGO Atina participated in a CEDEM and MWL training on combating human trafficking
Making a difference for refugee children
Presentation of Study: The Mental Health of Refugees – Establishing Communication and Trust
Indira Varma visited Atina
Women who suffer violence – the same problem in different cultures
Promote prevention and protection of children from violence
Despite border closures, smugglers move hundreds of refugees through Europe daily
“For a stronger voice of citizens: Support of the European Union (EU) to civil society of Serbia”
Position paper of the Women against Violence Network Serbia for the UN Women approach to sex work/the sex trade/prostitution
Smuggling of refugees: Making profits on other people’s misfortune
The voice of citizens for democracy
Support to NGO Atina from the activists of Foundation Schüler Helfen Leben
Labris, Crta, Atina and Serbian Cities Unify Against Discrimination
Terms of reference for Monitoring Expert
Terms of reference for Expert in service mapping and creation of referral road-map
Terms of reference for Expert in designing a training program on age-appropriate and gender-sensitive cultural mediation and case management practice
Moscow conference on the best practices and challenges in refugee crisis
NGO Atina at the Training of the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean and Red Cross of Serbia
NGO Atina at 4th International Youth Forum of the European Center for Peace and Development
Oxfam: ‘European Union is Proactively Doing Harm’
Supply and Demand
Solidarity with the call for an International Action Day Against Feminicide of Yazidi Women
Have a heart for the victims of human trafficking
Visit to the Stars Foundation in London
NGO Atina attends Duchess of Cornwall's Domestic Abuse Awareness reception
Resist betraying the Refugee Convention 65 years on
British politicians and delegates visited NGO Atina and Bagel shop
Representatives of the organization Green Shoes Arts visited NGO Atina
Unknown and exploited: Europe’s new arrivals
Joint NGO statement ahead of the European Council of 28-29 June 2016 NGOs strongly condemn new EU policies to contain migration
Raped, trafficked and used as mules: Sickening violence against kids of the migrant crisis
Marijana Savić - woman of the month in Elle magazine
Should we believe a state that makes empty promises?
City Center for Social Work in Belgrade and Association Atina signed a Protocol on cooperation
Bagel Bejgl celebrated first birthday
Report on the assessment of the protection of women and children within the refugee population
Rights of the Child in the Context of International Migrations
Strengthening local responses to gender-based violence
Regional training on migration held in Zagreb
Civil society advocates forge recommendations ahead of World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul
Swiss government supported NGO Atina in response to the refugee crisis
Human trafficking in the refugee crisis
Global Study on the Sexual Exploitation of Children in Travel and Tourism
A husband and an apron instead of school
While eating bagels in Belgrade, you are helping victims of human trafficking
Berlin: Migration and Human Trafficking: Examining the Gender Dimensions
Working Group for Gender Based Violence established in Serbia
A training was held for field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina
Together in the fight for the rights of refugees with Russian prima ballerina Irina Kolesnikova
Local support for the most vulnerable refugees
Atina held a training for Doctors Without Borders in Serbia
New report: Women Refugees at Risk in Europe
Camilla thanked by Novak Djokovic for foundation visit
Migrations can not be stopped, closing borders pushes people into the hands of smugglers
Duchess of Cornwall visited NGO Atina
NGO Atina for New York Times
Making Constellations Out of Stars: the IRC in Serbia
One third of refugees – children
The women helping refugees in Serbia
People smugglers only winners as Balkan borders shut, warn aid groups
Syrian refugees: Single mothers' daily fight for survival
Round Table: The best interest of the child - between theory and practice
Heroes, inspiration and motivation
At the front line of refugee crisis
Guidelines on Determining the Best Interest of the Child
Child marriages in Serbia - Analysis and recommendations
Donation for the refugees from Konrad-Adenauer Foundation
NGO Atina at the meeting with scholarship students of Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Letter to European Leaders
Smugglers offer migrants escape from Balkan limbo
An Afghan refugee in Europe: 'All I can do is pray'
Female refugees life are at risk compare to men
Fears over fate of ’10,000 missing refugee children’
Slipping through the cracks of a broken system, Unaccompanied child refugees in Greece
Life as a female refugee: 'You don't know who to trust'
Refugees driven into the hands of traffickers
Fear is still driving refugees to the West
The Women Helping Refugees Survive Europe's Migration Crisis
A Bagel Store Against Gender-Based Violence
Support an important fight, buy jewellery! Give a chance!
Emergency response to the refugee crisis
Enhancing protection of unaccompanied minors in the region
The Best Way to Protect Children? Support Education
Women Refugees Fleeing Through Europe Are Told Rape Is Not A Real Issue
These Sexist Pink "For Her" Pencils Are Pissing People Off
A meeting with Denis Keefe British Ambassador to Serbia
Support to the most vulnerable in our society
Psychological empowerment of the victims of human trafficking
Syrian refugee sold kidney to get into Europe
FEMINISM Is Soon Going To Be An Official Subject In Australian Schools
It's Official! Sweden Adds Gender-Neutral Pronoun to Dictionary
Kids In Camps - A Comic Relief Special
16 days of activism 2015
NGO Atina from Serbia wins international award for outstanding work
Nobel Peace Prize winners visiting NGO Atina
NGO Atina from Serbia wins international award for outstanding work
Nobel Peace Prize winners visiting NGO Atina
Economic empowement with Hyatt Regency Belgrade
National Round Table “Re/integration of trafficked persons in Serbia”
Ideas for a better tomorrow
Give your contribution to the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Lecture to students of Faculty of Medicine on the topic of “Health protection of the victims of human trafficking in Serbia”
Conference on human trafficking “Freedom doesn’t have a price”
Presented „Guideliness on Determining the Best Interest of the Child“ on annual meeting of the Network of Ombudsmen for Children in Southeastern Europe
Atina held training for the members of Local Network for prevention and support to victims of human trafficking in Vranje on theme „Mobilization of resources in the local community”
Held training “Social inclusion of the victims and prevention of human trafficking in the local community”
Held training “Assessment of the best interest of children on the move”
Support victims of trafficking, child begging and forced marriages
Support important fight! Buy jewellery - give a chance!
Formed Coordination Group within SCORE project
Bagel Бејгл got a logo
Training for the development of social enterprises - Hotel N Belgrade
In 2014, NGO Atina opted for strategic planning
Special award for contribution to social inclusion
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Winners of Virtus award for 2015
Art workshop “IN THE COLORS OF LIFE”
Ideas for a better tomorrow
Increased number of asylum seekers in Serbia
Human Rights Day: Serbian citizens live in fear
How Serbia marks World Day Against Child Labour
NGO Atina established an social enterprise Bagel Bejgl
Local prejudice and media sensationalism
NGO Atina is looking for an Expert in Developing Best Interest Determination Tool and Capacity Development
Human trafficking and smuggling of migrants
Serbians are increasingly becoming victims of Human Trafficking
Socially responsible companies supported the only Shelter for victims of human trafficking
Socially responsible companies supported the only Shelter for victims of human trafficking
Serbians are increasingly becoming victims of Human Trafficking
Human Rights Day: Serbian citizens live in fear
Independent auditor's report on financial management of Association Atina for 2014
How Serbia marks World Day Against Child Labour
Local prejudice and media sensationalism
Ideas for a better tomorrow
Human trafficking and smuggling of migrants
NGO Atina is looking for an Expert in Developing Best Interest Determination Tool and Capacity Development
Citizens’ Association Atina receives a prestigious American award for its contribution to working with children victims of human trafficking
Increased number of asylum seekers in Serbia
NGO Atina established an social enterprise Bagel Bejgl
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