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Together with Doctors of the World Atina held a training for professionals in Sid

Atina held a training for professionals in Sid
During the month of June, 2017, Association Atina has, in cooperation with Doctors of the World (MDM) held a training “Recognizing and responding to gender-based violence among refugee and migrant population” in Sid, for representatives of civil society organizations, international organizations and institutions who are providing direct support to persons from the refugee and migrant population.
Taking into account the specificities refugee crisis brings, and especially the position of women and girls as the most vulnerable part of this population, the aim of the training was to acquire knowledge and skills for recognizing and responding to gender-based violence among refugee and migrant population, in the area of registration and documentation of gender-based violence; legal framework for the protection of victims of gender-based violence, and the creation of group cohesion which would contribute to better coordination and cooperation between the actors who are providing direct support to refugees and migrants.
After the introductory speech Doctors of the World gave about the concept of gender-based violence in the refugee crisis, Atina’s representatives used their experience in work with victims to speak about the indicators which may point to an existence of violence, forms of violence they encountered, the importance of timely response and adequate protections, as well as raising awareness about the significance of prevention. Participants showed great interest and motivation to gain new knowledge in this area, and to apply the knowledge in daily work.
A lecture was also held by Prof. Slobodan Savic, PhD, at the Institute of Forensic Medicine, who on that occasion pointed out the characteristics of injuries, ways to recognize violence more easily, and the utmost importance of documenting gender-based violence. He also commented on the legal framework for the protection of victims, and explained the ways in which perpetrators are sentenced, in accordance with the available evidence.
Since the beginning of the refugee crisis in this region, Atina has been actively involved in provision of direct assistance and support to women and children refugees. Organizing educations for professionals who come in direct contact with this population in their daily work represents and activity which enables a more efficient provision of assistance and protection on the ground. This training was another great opportunity for relevant actors to connect, acquire additional knowledge and skills which will help them recognize violence more easily, and respond to it in a timely and adequate manner.