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combating human trafficking
Online counseling with human trafficking victims during the COVID-19 pandemic
Promising practices: Online counseling with human trafficking victims during the COVID-19 pandemic
Girls and women with the experience of trafficking contributed to shedding light on the issue of violence in digital surroundings
Promising practices: During the pandemic, 178 girls and women with the experience of trafficking contributed to shedding light on the issue of violence in digital surroundings
Visual: Bojan Milojević
Women and girls make up the vast majority of human trafficking victims. They are most often exploited for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Fears that the pandemic could fuel the growth of cyber-trafficking and other forms of abuse in digital surroundings were justified, given the measures of restricted movement introduced by many countries.
Promising practices: One of the highest human trafficking verdicts in Serbia was issued during the COVID-19 pandemic
Promising practices: One of the highest human trafficking verdicts in Serbia was issued during the COVID-19 pandemic
UN Women: Women activists from the Western Balkans and Turkey determined to change the way they prevent violence against migrant women
Women activists from the Western Balkans and Turkey determined to change the way they prevent violence against migrant women
BalkanInsight: Study Underscores Link between Human Trafficking and Online Abuse
Vranje is one of the five cities implementing a project on prevention and combating human trafficking
Photo: Personal archive
Vranje is implementing a project on prevention and combating human trafficking
Photo: Personal archive
Two meetings were held in Vranje, between representatives of the Local Team for Prevention and Combating Human Trafficking, Citizens' Association Atina and their partners, aimed to introduce the entire team to the project itself and planned activities, as well as to determine current local capacities and response mechanisms in cases of labor exploitation.
Interview with UUSC Partners in Syrian Refugee Crisis Response: Jelena Hrnjak, ATINA
ATINA’s Program Coordinator Jelena Hrnjak speaks to UUSC about their crucial work to support refugees in Serbia during the 2015 refugee crisis.
“Women’s solidarity can make anything happen.”
UUSC: Could you tell us about ATINA and its work?
Atina at the conference “Good Practices and Challenges in Supporting Children in Migration”
Atina at the conference “Good Practices and Challenges in Supporting Children in Migration”
On June 14, 2017, a conference “Good Practices and Challenges in Supporting Children in Migration” was held in Belgrade, organized by International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Save the Children.