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Donation for the refugees from Konrad-Adenauer Foundation

Belgrade - At the initiative of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation, German foundations in Belgrade have, with the support of German Friendship Association, collected 1,500 euros and today this donation was handed over to NGO “Atina”, and is intended for the care of migrants and refugees in Belgrade.
Head of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation office in Belgrade, Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, said that at the moment the policy toward refugees in Europe is in “turbulent phase”.
He pointed out that we are forgetting these are the people who have not had the need to travel around the world, but left their countries due to poverty and fear.
Dierkes said that Europe, with the exception of the Western Balkans, managed to secure an extremely long period of peace, security and prosperity on its own soil.
We have to thoroughly deal with the issue of finding solutions to the problems which this refugee crisis put before us. This is possible only in the context of the whole Europe. Solutions must be sought at a level that goes beyond Europe, he said.
He explained that the 1,500 euros have been collected through personal contributions of employees in these organisations.
Director of NGO “Atina”, Marijana Savić, thanked for the donation.
This is a fantastic act of solidarity that restores dignity to all of us, to refugees and all those who work to support people who are not looking for a better life, but only life, and sends a strong message on how and in which direction all of us should work together, said Savić.
For NGO Atina, text translated by Marija Pantelić
The original text can be found here: