Urgent call for competent institutions to respond and condemn hate speech against women

Urgent call for competent institutions to respond and condemn hate speech against women

Press Release

30/7/2019 - Women against Violence Network calls for competent institutions to respond and condemn hate speech against women

Immediate cause for this response are the most recent attacks directed to the Commissioner for Protection of Equality Brankica Jankovic, journalist Snezana Congradin, activist Stasa Zajovic, and late Biljana Kovacevic-Vuco. Hate speech against women who make efforts in their respective professions in the field of respecting human rights, laws, and nondiscrimination, is a severe violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, the Anti-Discrimination Law, the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly and other Laws of the Republic of Serbia, as well as international conventions. The hate speech heard not only from a parliament stand, but also in public is not appropriate, and is deeply hurtful to these persons and all women.

The lack of appropriate response of institutions and public condemnation from representatives of the government is a basis for further hate speech encouragement, directed to not only women, but also all other vulnerable categories. By not responding we are sending a clear message to all citizens of Serbia that they can behave in this manner with their wives, daughters, mothers, and female colleagues. Tolerating such behavior in the National Assembly and in broader public can neither contribute to the process of Serbia’s EU Accession, nor to creating equal and safe environment for all citizens of Serbia.  

In this way, we provide a solidary support to all women who were in any form hurt by hate speech, violence, discrimination and other hurtful behaviors.  

Women against Violence Network reminds the system institutions, including highest state officials, that they are obliged to provide protection and support to all women toward whom hate speech is directed, and act in accordance with domestic laws and international conventions. Women against Violence Network will follow up on this case, as well as all the other hate speech cases, and inform public and international organizations on the institutions’ response.


On behalf of Women against Violence Network:


Name and surname: Biljana Stepanov

                        Jasmina Nikolić

Function: coordinator of WAVN

Organization: Center for support of women

Address: Trg srpskih dobrovoljaca 30, Kikinda

Telephone: 063 397172

                           063 7094127



"Women against Violence" network