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Economic independence is key for women victims of violence
Despair as a compass
Mentoring sessions on gender-equality for high school girls
“With and For Girls – support to local Youth Offices in raising awareness in the area of gender equality “
An interview with the occasion: Ms Biljana Brankovic on Istanbul Convention and the position of migrant women in the situation of long stay
The right to live free from violence
As much as 74 percent of girls victims of violence in Serbia haven’t sought help
Response to the increasing digital violence against women and girls
Protecting the right to privacy and data confidentiality of victims of human trafficking
No excuses, Srbia’s urgent response to the case of workers from Vietnam needed
Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape
Girls on the move are among the bravest and strongest girls in the world
CRC and Atina are empowering children to recognize and report trafficking in human beings in Serbia
Terms of Reference for the Consultants for development of the Analysis on the existing support and protection services provided to VAWG and domestic violence victims in shelters in Serbia
Call for Registration: Online Training on Gender-Sensitive Reporting
Girls and women are the most common victims of human trafficking
Underage girls most common targets
Digital Platform for youth "How to protect yourself from human trafficking?" is launched
NGO Atina: Who cares about the victims’ dignity?
Join us at the roundtable Sustainable Freedom!
Atina: Sexually abused children are being inflicted irreversible damage once their identity is disclosed
Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia
Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk
Terms of Reference for the External Evaluator
Let's trust youth and believe in them!
Children speak of human trafficking
Child trafficking in the Republic of Serbia – ahead of July 30, World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
Ahead of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, NGO Atina and Child Rights Centre published a video “Between Dreams and Reality"
Open call: Reporting on Gender-Based Violence in the Balkans
Unacceptable silence of the administration in Serbia
Child trafficking still on the rise in the Western Balkans
How we protect the right to privacy and data confidentiality of victims of human trafficking
Protection of privacy and data confidentiality on victims of human trafficking is the most important task
Mankind owes to the child the best that it has to give
Webinar: Ending trafficking and violence against girls and women in the context of global migrations
The first Thematic Social Dialogue
Winners of the National Forum for Green Ideas 2021
Addressing trafficking in persons for the purposes of sexual exploitation through international cooperation
Ending trafficking and violence against women and girls in the context of global migration
Bulletin on promising practices in protecting victims of trafficking during the COVID-19 pandemic
A play “Koštana” performed at Vranje theatre
Promising practices: Atina’s response to the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
Promising practices: Letters of migrant and refugee women from isolation
Online counseling with human trafficking victims during the COVID-19 pandemic
Girls and women with the experience of trafficking contributed to shedding light on the issue of violence in digital surroundings
Promising practices: One of the highest human trafficking verdicts in Serbia was issued during the COVID-19 pandemic
A dedicated website has been launched on the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention
Disturbing posters against migrants have been removed from Belgrade buses
N1: It is strange that the case was opened on Palma’s request, relocate it outside of Jagodina
Andrijana Radoičić Nedeljković at a National Congress on human trafficking
When Pandemics Collide: Marijana Savic a panelist at Columbia University webinar
Women against Violence Network: Investigate allegations of sexual exploitation, Marković to resign
Joint statement of women-human rights activists from the Balkan region toward gender-based violence on the Internet
Have we allowed the perpetrators to win and why is the public inclined to judge the victims?
Violation of the right to privacy and data confidentiality of children victims of human trafficking in Serbia
Typical violations of the right to privacy
Monitoring violations of the right to privacy
Commissioner for the Protection of Equality: Warning to the public regarding inadmissible content on Happy TV
Danas - Privacy Week: It is in public interest for the media to protect the identity of children victims of violence, not to reveal it
Trainings on the importance of protecting the right to privacy
Protection of children from violence and sexual exploitation - an obligation of everyone working with children
The pandemic and its shadow: lessons in standing with women’s rights organisations
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