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Call for Registration: Online Training on Gender-Sensitive Reporting

The Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and NGO Atina are organising an online training course focusing on gender-sensitive reporting on human trafficking and violence against women.
Journalists and writers from the Balkans are invited to register for a two-day online training course on practicing gender-responsive reporting on human trafficking and violence against women.
The main idea behind the training is to examine and expose worrying and increasing trends in the incidence and prevalence of gender-based violence, both in the offline and online sphere in the Balkan region, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The training will be led by experienced activists from NGO ATINA, an organisation that has been running a direct support programme for trafficking and gender-based survivors in Serbia for 18 years now.
Designed to offer a deep insight into ways to avoid the most common mistakes in reporting on human trafficking and violence against women, the training will also offer participants a chance to practice methods of communication with survivors of violence. They should also encourage journalists and writers to apply the methods and lessons learned in their everyday work, raising the quality of their journalism.
The training will be held on March 2nd – 3rd, 2022.
Applicants must register for the training by filling out the form located below. The number of participants is limited, so please register no later than February 28th. Scroll down for registration.
The training will be held in English language, from 10am to 2pm. Each training day will consist of two 1.5-hour-long sessions that will encompass interactive exercises, facilitated discussions, with an evidence-based approach to group work in practicing gender-responsive reporting on human trafficking and violence against women. At the beginning and at the end of the training course, there will be a questionnaire, and participants will be invited to keep a journalistic diary.
Day I
10:00 – 10:30 Introduction of participants, topic and activities
10:30 – 12:00 Not victimhood reporting, but promotion of the agency of women
- Proactive role of journalists in understanding the context of human trafficking and violence against women (meaning of the phenomenon, why it happens, who are the perpetrators and who are the victims, what are the main trends and statistics, involvement of journalists in the process of identification, referral, assistance and court proceedings)
12:00 – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 14:00 How to avoid the most common mistakes while reporting on human trafficking and violence against women
- Deconstruction of stereotypes and prejudices
Day II
10:00 – 10:30 Warm-up and recapitulation of the previous day
10:30 – 12:00 Why wording matters
- Communication with survivors and practicing preferred terminology for reporting
12:00 – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 14:00 Reporting on specific types of violence against women
- Understanding of violence and abuse in the digital sphere
For more information, contact: Jelena Hrnjak (
Please register here. Upon registration, you will receive an email confirmation, and a Zoom link will be sent to all participants a few days before the training course.
The training is being organised with support from the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade.