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Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.
Queer Roma women: We are rejected by our community, we are fraudsters to them
Terms of Reference for a Consultant for mapping services of social protection and local referral pathways
National Coordinator recognized the importance of the Breakthrough Council formed as part of NGO Atina's program
Combating Human Trafficking in Serbia: In 2019, we are still speaking about things that should have been long since eradicated
Marijana Savic spoke at DCI’s 7th International Conference on Child Rights & Sight
Terms of Reference for the Lecturer to conduct workshops on the subject of Child Trafficking within the migrant population
Terms of Reference for the Lecturer to conduct workshops on the subject of Trafficking in human beings and indicators of child trafficking
Serbian child brides: "They sold me before I turned 11 for a chicken, a case of beer and 100 euros"
RTS: Traffickers are mostly known to the victim
What is your understanding of the "Circle of support"
Vesti Online: "Courts as torture chambers"
Raise your voice and make a difference
Turistički Svet: Belgrade hotel in the fight for safer tourism
How violence permeates the lives of migrant and refugee women and girls
Nedeljnik: When a girl is promised, it is set in stone, there is no refusal: How is it possible that Serbia has not banned child marriages yet?
Expert associations question how prohibition of child marriages will be controlled
Bagel Bejgl – social enterprise with a soul
Child Marriages in Serbia
Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment are major causes of social inequality
Interview: Be one of us
Panel »Childhood in Serbia«: Poverty and side effects
The future of reporting on human trafficking from the perspective of journalism students
Women and financial inclusion
Networking for economic empowerment
The ultimate solution in combating violence is achieving equality
Women's Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship
Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on protection of rights of victims of violence among migrant population
Terms of Reference for the Trainer to conduct workshops on the subject of Protection of individuals among refugee and migrant population from gender based violence
Terms of Reference for the Mentoring Expert
Urgent call for competent institutions to respond and condemn hate speech against women
“Economic empowerment is crucial, not only for survivors, but for any woman”
Why women make the best entrepreneurs
Concern over directive issued to centers for social work
Empowering women through social entrepreneurship
Want to increase birth rates? Try gender equality
There need to be more investment opportunities for women entrepreneurs
World Population Day 2019 marked in Belgrade
How the black bagel was born?
Women social entrepreneurs are innovators creating social changes
Terms of Reference for the Evaluation Expert
Trafficking and Femicide: ultimate forms of violence against women
Social enterprises, women entrepreneurship and female leadership are intrinsically linked
Bagel Bejgl is not a bakery, but a vision of future
Where do we draw inspiration for development of social entrepreneurship?
NGO Atina for Radio Free Europe: What comes after trafficking?
Ministry of Justice: How does the Domestic Violence Prevention Act treat the protection of human trafficking victims?
BETA: Child migrants passing through Serbia at risk of becoming human trafficking victims
NGO Atina: Women victims of trafficking at high risk of femicide
Specific support measures to combat all forms of violence against women
Citizens’ Association Atina’s comment on the Draft Social Protection Strategy 2019-2025
NGO Atina signatory to a petition to the President of the European Council
RTS: "Selling bagels to assist victims of violence"
Recognizing criminal offense of human trafficking in Vranje
Competent professionals against life imprisonment without pardon - Atina one of the signatories
Social entrepreneurship as a means of economic empowerment of women
Belgrade in great need of a Local Team for Prevention and Combating Human Trafficking
VESTI Online "Tar and feathers without condemnation"
Canvas painting as a symbolic support to women
Citizens’ Association Atina became a member of the International Social Service (ISS)
"With and For Girls" in Kikinda
How we made it from a local neighborhood bakery to the United Nations headquarters
Local Team in Subotica on supporting the victims of human trafficking
Presentation of the Economic empowerment program for human trafficking victims
An Indelible Mark of a Woman
Political parties, media, and children
Discriminatory gender stereotypes interfere with the improvement of women's rights
Blic News "Unbreakable! Can Mira Trailovic be an example to women today?"
NGO Atina part of the appeal of Coalition Against Discrimination and partner organizations
Economic empowerment to full independence
Key words of social entrepreneurship - networking, cooperation and support
What a woman should do, is allowed to do, and can do
In a survey vast number of girls said they would not report a violent husband
Parent’s sacrifice is expected even nowadays
Boosting Inclusion Through Social Entrepreneurship
Žene na prekretnici: Bagel Bejgl at a panel discussion on social entrepreneurship
Terms of Reference for 2 Trainers to conduct trainings on the subject of Early warning system and protection of children VoTs
Results of the Analysis on correlation between gender stereotypes and gender-based violence were presented
Girls in Serbia – a voice that should be heard
Atina and UNFPA in response to refugee women’s needs
“We have to be solidary, women understand each other best”
NGO Atina to Udovicic: State Secretary’s humiliating behavior with a colleague
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