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Boosting Inclusion Through Social Entrepreneurship

An international training "Boosting Inclusion Through Social Entrepreneurship" was organized in Bologna from June 17 to 24, 2018, within the Erasmus plus program of the European Union. The participants of the training were representatives of various civil society organizations from Morocco, Macedonia, Greece, Albania, Italy and Serbia.
The training was directed toward raising capacities and youth skills development through social entrepreneurship, with a focus on the social inclusion of vulnerable groups in society. Interactive activities have contributed to the increase in capacities and skills of participants, so that they can use personal development to increase the capacities of organizations they come from. Visits to enterprises in Italy have also been organized, with a focus on those which, in addition to their activities, also share dedication to meeting socially responsible goals. Participants were introduced to Corte d'Aibo, Coop up, Incredibol, and L'Altro Spazio.
At this training, representatives of NGO Atina shared the experience of establishing and operating social enterprise Bagel Bejgl, which was founded to support victims of human trafficking and other forms of violence.