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Formed Coordination Group within SCORE project

Within the project Setting an Agenda for Child Oriented Social Reform in the Republic of Serbia (SCORE II), implemented by Save the Children in North West Balkans, Group 484 and NGO Atina, a Coordination Group was formed with the aim of providing technical and advisory support to the realization of the project objectives, in order to improve the quality of life of children on the move, and children in general.
Members of the Coordination Group will assist in ensuring the participation of community and stakeholders in creation, implementation and evaluation of activities at all levels, and in general focusing and holding attention on those issues which are of particular importance for children on the move.
Functional Coordination Group represents a basis for quality assessment and defining of objectives and interventions; for successful advocacy and lobbying with target institutions; for help in better understanding of strategic approaches that should be developed; for expert support in developing methodology; and for support in the promotion of results and findings.