Economic empowement with Hyatt Regency Belgrade

During April, May and June there have been organized workshops in propose of economic empowerment victims of human trafficking. The project has started in association with Hyatt Regency Belgrade and gave the opportunity Atina’s beneficiaries for the first time acquire basic knowledge, skills and habits that are necessary in order for them to find employment more easily. We worked on increasing their self-esteem, best ways to present themselves to employers, and for the first time introduced them to business etiquette which is the most important item when it comes to maintaining a job. 

The aim of the program is psycho-social empowerment of persons who were victims of human trafficking, but also their families who are in a specific situation due to survived trauma. Individual plan has been made for each person who participated in the workshops. In this project 20 beneficiaries of Atina’s programs participated and several of them were hired. 

NGO Atina during past years has implemented program of economic empowerment that represents the most important link in reintegration, in order for someone to come back to society is needed not just support, but specific help that opens the path for a job and gives the stability that is needs everyone, especially to persons that have suffered violence.