Hotline: +381 61 63 84 071
Support combat against human trafficking, injustice, inequality and poverty.
Support fight for the world without exploitation.
Support programs of NGO Atina!
Making a gift to NGO Atina, you contribute in efforts to make the world free!
Dinars Account Details:
Primalac: NVO Atina
Dinarski račun: 145-5319-23
Banka: Marfin banka
Adresa banke: Dalmatinska 22, 11000 Beograd
Šifra plaćanja: 187
Šifra plaćannja za e-banking: 87
Svrha plaćanja: Donacija
Support us wherever you are - join our fight against exploitation and injustice!
Please find here payment instruction for donations in EUR.