human trafficking

Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of children among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and interesectoral cooperation between relevant stakeholders

Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of children among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and interesectoral cooperation between relevant stakeholders

Published on 24th February 2017 

NGO Atina


Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of gender based violence and human trafficking among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers

Terms of reference for the Trainers of professionals in the field of protection of gender based violence and human trafficking among population of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers

Published on 24th February 2017 

NGO Atina


NGO Atina celebrates 14th birthday!

Today, we are celebrating! On present day, exactly 14 years ago, few discerning women decided to register an association and named it Atina. That's how we grow and evolve, following the principles of wisdom and justice, just like the Greek goddess, whose name we have taken. For all these years we have done so much, moved mountains and inspired the lives of many women and girls who needed our help.


Belgrade center as an El Dorado for smugglers of refugees

Author/source: SEEbiz / Deutsche Welle 
Published on: 28.01.2017. - 22:28:52 

BELGRADE - Refugees have heard about the park across the Belgrade bus station while still in Istanbul or Sofia – that is where the smugglers are always present. The price of their services grows with despair. Many people who are stranded in Serbia see them as the only lifeline.


Representatives of NGO Atina participated in a CEDEM and MWL training on combating human trafficking

Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) and the Montenegrin Women's Lobby (MWL) organized a training for representatives of institutions, non-governmental organizations and the media, within the framework of the project “Let’s build sustainable anti-trafficking efforts in Montenegro!”, in Becici on December 12/13, 2016.


NGO Atina at 4th International Youth Forum of the European Center for Peace and Development

The topic of the 4th International ECPD Youth Forum was Culture of Peace, with a special focus on the refugee crisis and the youth. The Forum gathered young professionals from several European countries, who had an opportunity to share their experiences in work with refugees, gain new knowledge, but also forge partnerships and friendships.


Have a heart for the victims of human trafficking

Citizens' Association Atina invites you to join BLUE HEART Campaign and mark July 30, World Day against Trafficking in Persons. On this occasion, on Zemun quay (near the restaurant ‘Venecija’) from 10am to 8pm, NGO Atina will exhibit unique handmade jewelry, which is created by the beneficiaries of Atina’s program. By purchasing this jewelry, you are helping victims of human trafficking, girls and women, gain self-respect, hope and the ability to create again.

