human trafficking

ToR for the facilitator of focus groups with professionals involved in the areas of prevention of THB and GBV and protection of victims in Serbia

ToR for the facilitator of focus groups with professionals involved in the areas of prevention of THB and GBV and protection of victims in Serbia

Published on May 16, 2023 by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e., NGO Atina)


Join NGO Atina's action

The Association “Atina” is a women's feminist organization, founded in 2003 in Belgrade with the intent to upgrade the fight against human trafficking and all forms of gender-based violence, improve the protection and position of victims, strengthen gender equality and contribute to wider social cohesion.


Ethical reporting on human trafficking is essential

The second training for journalists and media representatives on ethical and fact based reporting on trafficking in human beings was held on April 11, 2022 in Belgrade. Until now, a total of 43 journalists from all over Serbia have successfully completed this training. All participants had the opportunity to expand their knowledge about the phenomenon of human trafficking, gender sensitivity of this problem, hear about the main trends and statistics in this area, rights of victims, but also about proactive role of media and journalist in preventing human trafficking.


Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

Photo: FoNet/Milica Vučković

Author: V. Jeremić

Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

At the end of the election campaign, the Minister of Labor, Darija Kisić, should open the Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking, demonstrating to the public that the current government cares for the most vulnerable categories of society.


Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk

Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk

Photo: Jordan Times

Half of the victims of human trafficking are minors, and it is feared that the number of victims is up to 10 times higher

In the past year, of the 57 identified victims of trafficking, 24 were minors, almost half of whom were girls. Experts around the world, as well as experts in the Balkans and Serbia, assume that the number of victims in this area is up to ten times higher!

