protection of unaccompanied minors in the region

Unaccompanied refugee children are exposed to risk in Balkan

It is estimated that approximately 1300 unaccompanied refugee children and migrants are exposed to risk of exploitation, violence and human trafficking.

Source: B92 Monday, 10.04.2017. | 17:18 -> 17:48

Those risks are threatening due to a more a more restrictive policy of border control and inadequate response of social security system in the states along the so called Balkan route.


A training was held for field workers of the organisations Arsis, Open Gate and NGO Atina

Within the project “Improving the protection of unaccompanied minors in the region” which NGO Atina carries out together with the Permanent Mission of France to the UN and other international organisations in Vienna, a two-day training was held in April for the representatives of the Association for the Social Support of Youth - Arsis from Greece and the Association for action against violence and human trafficking - Open Gate: La Strada from Macedonia, which are in their own countries engaged in providing direct support to the refugee population.
