
Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

Photo: FoNet/Milica Vučković

Author: V. Jeremić

Darija Kisić plans to open a shelter that has already been opened by her predecessor

At the end of the election campaign, the Minister of Labor, Darija Kisić, should open the Shelter for Victims of Human Trafficking, demonstrating to the public that the current government cares for the most vulnerable categories of society.


Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape

Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape

An example of minimum sentence of 3 years of imprisonment for the man who last year attempted to rape a woman in his apartment in Novi Sad, says a lot about the penalties in Serbia.

That notwithstanding, there are examples where penalties were much more severe, and for serious criminal acts against children. One of them, Ninoslav Jovanovic, known as "Barber of Malca", this year has been convicted to life sentence for abduction and rape of a twelve-year-old girl;


Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia

Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia

Photo: Jack Sullivan/Alamy Stock Photo

During last year, out of 57 victims of human trafficking, almost half of them, that is 24, were children. Traffickers most commonly use children for forced labour or begging, criminal activities, sexual exploitation or forced marriages, as stated by NGO “Atina”, organization that deals with combating human trafficking.  


Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk

Fourteen-year-old girls are at highest risk

Photo: Jordan Times

Half of the victims of human trafficking are minors, and it is feared that the number of victims is up to 10 times higher

In the past year, of the 57 identified victims of trafficking, 24 were minors, almost half of whom were girls. Experts around the world, as well as experts in the Balkans and Serbia, assume that the number of victims in this area is up to ten times higher!


What a woman should do, is allowed to do, and can do

What a woman should do, is allowed to do, and can do

Marija DEDIC | January 17, 2019 11:24 

Attitudes of girls in Serbia on the position of women in society: Almost every other surveyor thinks a woman is completely accomplished only when she becomes a mother, while 81 percent of them believe that a mother should sacrifice for her children.


Terms of Reference for Cultural Mediator for the project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia “

Terms of Reference for Cultural Mediator for the project “From Harm to Safety: Improving the Protection of Victims of Trafficking (VoTs) in Serbia “

Published on December 1st, 2018



A series of trainings on the topic of monitoring began in Sid

A training session on the topic of monitoring was held for 16 members of the local network for monitoring and advocacy in Sid, within the project “Building Together”.

During the two days of the training, participants went through the entire monitoring cycle (overseeing, supervising, controlling) of the service and protection system that is dealing with refugees and migrants in Sid. Participants were introduced to a detailed plan of monitoring, went through goals and results, and finally summarized the researches through focus groups and in-depth interviews.

