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What is the role of support system in solving the problem of human trafficking?
Role of the support system in this area is of utmost importance for persons who are in a situation of trafficking. Identification and investigation of criminal elements and circumstances, and the requirement to prosecute persons involved in the trafficking situation, as well as referral of victims and potential victims to specialized non-governmental organizations that can assist in providing safe accommodation and fulfilling various needs, including medical, psychological, legal assistance, education and employment, is a pressing need;
Close cooperation of all relevant actors involved in the provision of services that ensure the protection of victims, including children, is lacking in our system, as well as identification of children and adults who are at risk of becoming victims of human trafficking. Informing victims of human trafficking about their rights, implementing continuous risk assessment regarding the safety and well-being of victims and their families, at every stage of social inclusion of the victims of human trafficking, and afterwards, is exactly what NGO Atina strives to achieve every day.