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A dedicated website has been launched on the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention

A dedicated website has been launched on the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention
On the occasion of 10 years of the Istanbul Convention, a dedicated website has been launched, to mark the anniversary of adopting this important document on May 11.
May 2021 marks 10 years since the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention, was opened for signature. On that occasion, the Violence Against Women Division launched a website to share innovative content, up-to-date information and new publications on the contribution the Istanbul Convention is making in advancing the right of women and girls to live free from violence.
This website, among other content, provides key facts about the Convention, most significant milestones, and gives space to the voices of judges, lawyers, women's rights activists, nongovernmental organizations, and others who are dedicated to the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in their daily work. "Quote of the day" section will daily share various testimonies, that will also be featured on the Twitter account CoE_endVAW.
Among the new material is also a short documentary on the Istanbul Convention, featuring interviews with professionals working in the area of combating violence against women.
This page also has information on the online conference that is to take place on May 11: Conference "Gender equality and the Istanbul Convention: a decade of action" will be livestreamed, and is open for viewing without any registration necessary.
The Conference is organised by the Gender Equality Division and the Violence against Women Division of the Council of Europe, in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth in the framework of the German Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, also known as the Istanbul Convention after the city in which it was opened for signature, is the most far-reaching international legal instrument to set out binding obligations to prevent and combat violence against women. Thirty-four member states of the Council of Europe have ratified it, twelve have signed it – along with the European Union – and it is used as a basis for action by many countries outside Europe.
The Istanbul Convention recognises violence against women as a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination against women. Based on a victim-centred approach, it offers practical tools to ensure the protection of women and girls, their safety and empowerment. It links these to the wider goal of achieving equality between women and men.
Over the past 10 years, it has guided numerous states in advancing their legislation and policies in order to prevent and combat violence against women effectively. The Convention makes a difference for women and girls and represents an important advocacy tool.
Celebrating its 10-year anniversary means celebrating its transformative power and uniting behind this landmark treaty.