NGO Atina

Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape

Sexual violence in Serbia: Vicious cycle of distrust towards women and tacit approval of rape

An example of minimum sentence of 3 years of imprisonment for the man who last year attempted to rape a woman in his apartment in Novi Sad, says a lot about the penalties in Serbia.

That notwithstanding, there are examples where penalties were much more severe, and for serious criminal acts against children. One of them, Ninoslav Jovanovic, known as "Barber of Malca", this year has been convicted to life sentence for abduction and rape of a twelve-year-old girl;


Girls on the move are among the bravest and strongest girls in the world

Photo: Piroshki Photography

Girls on the move are among the bravest and strongest girls in the world

"No one should deny or deprive a girl of her rights, and we all must fight for that! You, and I, and all the persons we do and don’t know. We need to reach everyone with this message and pass it on. Only when everybody becomes aware of that will we be one step away from creating a world that is more just and tailored to the girls needs," said 16-year-old Gulzar from Afghanistan, on the occasion of World Children's Day.


CRC and Atina are empowering children to recognize and report trafficking in human beings in Serbia

Photo: Piroshki photography

Child Rights Centre and NGO Atina Begin Implementing the Project “Empowering Children to Recognise and Report Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Serbia”

In the period from January to the end of October of this year, 38 victims of trafficking in human beings, including 10 girls, were officially identified in Serbia. Professionals dealing with this topic warn that the number of victims is much bigger because the statistics include only the ones detected and identified.


Terms of Reference for the Consultants for development of the Analysis on the existing support and protection services provided to VAWG and domestic violence victims in shelters in Serbia

Terms of Reference for the Consultants for development of the Analysis on the existing support and protection services provided to VAWG and domestic violence victims in shelters in Serbia

Published on November 15, 2021 by NGO Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e. NGO Atina)

Project title: Improving Support to VAWG Victims in Serbia


Call for Registration: Online Training on Gender-Sensitive Reporting

Balkan Investigative Reporting Network and NGO Atina are launching a series of online training courses focusing on gender-sensitive reporting on human trafficking and violence against women.

Journalists and writers from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are invited to register for a two-day online training course on practicing gender-responsive reporting on human trafficking and violence against women.


Atina: Sexually abused children are being inflicted irreversible damage once their identity is disclosed

Atina: Sexually abused children are being inflicted irreversible damage once their identity is disclosed

Photo taken from the website:

According to the latest available data from 2019 for Serbia, 64 percent of the victims of human trafficking are persons under the age of 18, while last year, following the statistical data, situation was similar – around 90 percent of them were girls”, Jelena Hrnjak from organization Atina has stated.


Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia

Why the system is not capable of identifying and helping victims of trafficking in Serbia

Photo: Jack Sullivan/Alamy Stock Photo

During last year, out of 57 victims of human trafficking, almost half of them, that is 24, were children. Traffickers most commonly use children for forced labour or begging, criminal activities, sexual exploitation or forced marriages, as stated by NGO “Atina”, organization that deals with combating human trafficking.  

