NGO Atina

Atina's representative gave a speech at the House of the National Assembly

Atina's representative gave a speech at the House of the National Assembly

An international workshop “Cooperation of European parliamentarians in the fight against human trafficking in the Western Balkans” was held on May 18, 2017, at the House of the National Assembly of Serbia in Belgrade. In addition to the members of the parliaments of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia, Romania, Great Britain, and Serbia, participants were also representatives of international and nongovernmental organizations,  among whom was a representative of NGO Atina.


Atina at the international conference “MAN2017: Europe talks on masculinity”

During the month of June, an international conference “MAN2017: Europe talks on masculinity” was organized by Promundo – US, MenCare and Center E8, and brought together about a hundred of experts, from a total of 50 countries, who work on issues of gender equality, among whom was Association Atina.


Making laws work to end violence against women and girl

Preventing violence against women and girls (VAWG) requires more than adopting laws — they need to be effectively implemented. Parliamentarians, NGOs and legal officers met to discuss the issue at a regional conference for Eastern and Central European Parliaments on Making Laws Work to End Violence against Women and Girls. The conference, held from 12 to 14 June, was co-organized by the IPU, Vital Voices, Global Rights for Women and the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, with the support of the Senate of Romania.


Dutch MP in the visit to NGO Atina

Sharon Gesthuizen, a member of the Dutch Parliament and the Socialist Party, met with the representatives of NGO Atina during the SCI visit to Serbia. The meeting was held in a positive atmosphere and resulted in a fruitful discussion about the refugee crisis, as well as the situation in Netherlands regarding national policies and integration.


Third of the victims are children, we will do everything to eradicate “modern slavery” in Serbia

Today, on the occasion of the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, US Ambassador to Serbia, Kyle Scott, and Minister Zoran Djordjevic visited the social enterprise of Citizens’ Association Atina, Bagel Bejgl shop, whose profits are financing recovery programs this organization runs for the victims of human trafficking.

US Ambassador Scott has underlined that human trafficking is a global phenomenon, and that there is no country in the world that is not faced with the issue of modern slavery.


Strengthening the fight against human trafficking

Local news - Friday, July 28, 2017 - 11:04

This year, Local network for combating human trafficking in the City of Vranje marks July 30, World Day against Trafficking in Persons, with an action that will include migrants as the most vulnerable category in these transactions.

Local network for combating human trafficking in Vranje will mark the World Day against Trafficking in Persons by distributing leaflets and promotional material on Monday, July 31, 2017, in the period from 11 AM to 1 PM.


NGO Atina at the international seminar “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation”

The international seminar “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labor exploitation” was held in Belgrade, on June 21, 2017, organized through the joint program of European Union and the Council of Europe, within the program “Horizontal Facility”, and the project “Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings in Serbia”, and Citizens’ Association Atina was one of the participants.


The city of Vranje is a part of the project "Let’s Build Together"

Local network for the prevention and suppression of human trafficking from Vranje is actively involved in the activities of the project “Let’s Build Together”. In the middle of July, a meeting was held in this city with the members of the Network and representatives of the Vranje City Assembly who have, once again, expressed their readiness to become actively engaged in the work of this Network.


The state must react and protect victims of domestic violence!

The Network of Organizations for Children of Serbia and the Women against Violence Network have sent Recommendations for improving systemic measures in the field of prevention and protection against domestic violence to the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Social and Veteran Affairs, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of the Interior. The immediate cause for the creation of these recommendations have been cases in which, during the month of July, two women and one child were murdered in Centers for Social Work.


Israeli Ambassador in the visit to NGO Atina and Bagel Bejgl shop

Atina and Bagel Bejgl gained new allies in the fight for an equal society, Alona Fisher-Kamm, Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Serbia, and Rina Bar-Tal, President of the Israel Women's Network.

They visited Atina and Bagel Bejgl shop on Friday, June 30, 2017. The meeting was held in a pleasant atmosphere, with the exchange and understanding of the position of women, and things that must be done to achieve gender equality, but also to provide equal opportunities for all the women in society.

