Marijana Savic

Merci. Hvala.

Excellencies, dear guests, colleagues and friends, and my Atina family,

I’ll start with a confession—I never really saw myself as a person who receives medals. But here we are, and if there’s one thing I know for sure, this honor does not belong to me ALONE  but to all of us.


They started with five employees and now have the most prominent companies among their customers

Photo: Marija Piroški

In the photo: Marijana Savić, director of social enterprise Bagel Bejgl

They started with five employees and now have the most prominent companies among their customers

They did not wait for all the pieces to be in place, but they didn’t regret it – IT PAID OFF!

Author: Jelena Skenderija

MOJ BIZNIS - 16.12.2023. 09:58h


United States Ambassador to Serbia visited NGO “Atina” and presented important messages

In the photo: Ross Conroy, United States Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, and Marijana Savić

United States Ambassador to Serbia visited NGO “Atina” and presented important messages

NGO “Atina” is one of the key organizations in Serbia which, through a series of direct services and programs, provides assistance to victims of human trafficking, primarily women and children, who are most often victims of trafficking and gender-based violence.

