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Human trafficking in the refugee crisis

NGO Atina implemented a one-day training on human trafficking in the context of the refugee crisis, organised by the Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre and Terre des hommes within the project on assistance to vulnerable refugee children and their families.
The training was attended by 27 representatives of organisations and institutions who are helping refugees and wanted to learn more about the issue of human trafficking, its forms, indicators, means of adequate recognition and reaction, as well as techniques of constructive communication with specific target groups within the refugee population.
On that occasion, NGO Atina’s cultural mediator held a presentation on cultural context of the refugee crisis, the position of women in their countries of origin, and the rights they can exercise there.
Through a review of cases and practical examples, participants, together with the trainers, identified indicators that may point to the existence of violence in specific cases, and interventions and measures that should be taken.
This training also served to, once again, point out the importance of early detection and provision of adequate assistance and referral to relevant institutions of those persons who have survived trauma, violence, or had the experience of human trafficking and gender-based violence.
Since the beginning of work with the refugee population, NGO Atina held tens of trainings on issues of human trafficking and gender-based violence for professionals from different institutions and organisations involved in providing direct assistance to refugees.