refugee crisis

Dutch MP in the visit to NGO Atina

Sharon Gesthuizen, a member of the Dutch Parliament and the Socialist Party, met with the representatives of NGO Atina during the SCI visit to Serbia. The meeting was held in a positive atmosphere and resulted in a fruitful discussion about the refugee crisis, as well as the situation in Netherlands regarding national policies and integration.


Open letters: Refugee crisis from women’s perspective

Activists of NGO Atina have prepared the comprehensive report on the experiences of women refugees, including their own insights and lessons gained during months of work on providing direct assistance and support to women refugees. Since the beginning of work on the ground in the summer of 2015, NGO Atina’s mobile teams were in contact with, and provided assistance to, more than 35,000 women and 7000 children.  


NGO Atina at the Training of the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean and Red Cross of Serbia

NGO Atina gave its contribution to the International Training of Trainers in prevention and response to the challenges of human trafficking, which was organized by the Red Cross of Serbia and Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean, by presenting its work and experience in the field of protecting women and children migrants and refugees, as well as recognizing victims of human trafficking and gender-based violence among this population.


Joint NGO statement ahead of the European Council of 28-29 June 2016 NGOs strongly condemn new EU policies to contain migration

At the upcoming European Council, European Union (EU) leaders will discuss the European Commission’s Communication on a new Partnership Framework with third countries.The Communication proposes an approach which aims to leverage existing EU and Member States' external cooperation instruments and tools in order to stem migration to Europe. The undersigned organisations express their grave concern about the direction the EU is taking by making deterrence and return the main objective of the Union's relationship with third countries.

