gender-based violence

Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.

Photo: NGO Atina's archive

Lidija Đorđević from NGO Atina: The voices of women with the experience of violence need to be heard and appreciated. It makes a difference and brings about change.


National Coordinator recognized the importance of the Breakthrough Council formed as part of NGO Atina's program

A meeting between the Breakthrough Council on behalf of NGO Atina, and Mitar Đurašković - National Coordinator for the Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings was held in Belgrade, on December 4, 2019. The meeting was held in the premises of the Reintegration Center of NGO Atina. This was an opportunity for Mr.


Blic News "At the gender-based violence event State Secretary insulted women, then hit his colleague's gluteus with papers!?"

At the gender-based violence event, State Secretary insulted women, then hit his colleague's gluteus with papers!? This is his justification

Blic News, D. Lukovic December 25, 2018 11:50

At the presentation of analysis on gender stereotypes and gender-based violence, Darko Stanic, State Secretary with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and a celebrated former handball player, insulted women saying they are poor drivers, and then hit his colleague Ana Kapetanovic's gluteus with papers.


Response to Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence Among the Asylum and Refugee Population in the Republic of Serbia

According to the official statistics in January 2018, there are 4,314 refugees and migrants in Serbia, most of whom are women and children. They are the most vulnerable group of the refugee and migrant population, especially when it comes to their exposure to human trafficking and all forms of gender-based violence.


Terms of Reference for the Experts for development of Analysis and Summary paper on existing gaps and legal responses to human trafficking, gender-based violence and related crimes among refugee, asylum and migrant population in Serbia

Terms of Reference for the Experts for development of Analysis and Summary paper on existing gaps and legal responses to human trafficking, gender-based violence and related crimes among refugee, asylum and migrant population in Serbia

Published on January 23rd, 2018


Support to the improvement of migration and asylum management in Serbia

Representative of NGO Atina, Jelena Hrnjak, was a panelist at the event organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) titled “Strengthening the capacities of actors to improve the level of protection of migrants in everyday practice”. Other speakers at the panel were representative of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, Svetlana Velimirovic, representative of UNHCR, John Andrew Young, Vesna Dejanovic from UNICEF, Emilija Joksic from the Asylum Office of the MoI of Serbia, and Miroslava Jelacic, representative of NGO Group 484.


NGO Atina at 4th International Youth Forum of the European Center for Peace and Development

The topic of the 4th International ECPD Youth Forum was Culture of Peace, with a special focus on the refugee crisis and the youth. The Forum gathered young professionals from several European countries, who had an opportunity to share their experiences in work with refugees, gain new knowledge, but also forge partnerships and friendships.

