Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment are major causes of social inequality
Photograph: Marija Piroški
Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment are major causes of social inequality
Photograph: Marija Piroški
Illiteracy, poverty and unemployment are major causes of social inequality
Photograph: Jakov Simović
The ultimate solution in combating violence is achieving equality
In celebration of women's strength and women's entrepreneurship, and on the occasion of the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a Bazaar "Women's Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship" was organized on July 30, 2019 at Dorcol Platz in the framework of the project "Support to Priority Actions for Gender Equality in Serbia", implemented by the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) with funding from the European Union.
The Bazaar “Women's Initiatives in Social Entrepreneurship” was planned and created by women and for women, with the aim to introduce broader community and public to the work and great ideas that have been changing local communities throughout Serbia, creating numerous women's initiatives and platforms for improving the position of women in society.
Milica Gudović. Photo: UN Women/Elif Gulec
Ilustration by: Marija Matić Dobre brlje
Women are more likely to be social entrepreneurs and they often do so for much more than just financial reasons. Often, women also decide to create social enterprises in order to support other women. So, how can social entrepreneurship economically empower women and girls across the world?
Social enterprises are by women for women
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