women victims of violence

Terms of Reference for the Trainers to conduct a training “Prevention of burnout syndrome in working with victims of gender-based violence”

Terms of Reference for the Trainers to conduct a training “Prevention of burnout syndrome in working with victims of gender-based violence”


Published on March 15, 2023, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e. NGO Atina)

Project title: Enhancement of safety of Women and Girls by Increasing Performance of Shelters for Victims of GBV/DV




Terms of Reference for the Consultant to develop an emergency plan for safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia

Terms of Reference for the Consultant to develop an emergency plan for safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia

Published on August 15, 2022, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e. NGO Atina)

Project title: Better support for women and children victims of violence - improving the accessibility and capacity of safe houses in Serbia



Terms of Reference for the Mentors to conduct tailored mentorship support for improving the accessibility and capacity of safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia

Terms of Reference for the Mentors to conduct tailored mentorship support for improving the accessibility and capacity of safe houses for women and children victims of violence in Serbia

Published on August 15, 2022, by Atina – Citizens' Association for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and All Forms of Violence against Women (i.e. NGO Atina)

Project title: Better support for women and children victims of violence - improving the accessibility and capacity of safe houses in Serbia



Hrnjak Jelena: The problems for victims of violence will only begin after the pandemic calms

The pandemic has shown that life of a woman, victim of violence, is in many ways reminiscent of a permanent state of emergency due to various factors, and the problems will only begin after the pandemic calms, said Jelena Hrnjak, Programme Manager of Citizens' Association Atina, at the roundtable “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups".


Women who suffer violence – the same problem in different cultures

Migrant women, Roma women, women with disabilities and the elderly are the most vulnerable social groups, and often suffer domestic violence as well. Although there are cultural and traditional inequalities between women who ran from war-torn African countries and women in Serbia, when it comes to violence - there is almost no difference at all. Because of fear, or because they have been taught from an early age that they are property of their families and husbands, they rarely dare to report the perpetrator.
