
Danas - Privacy Week: It is in public interest for the media to protect the identity of children victims of violence, not to reveal it

Danas - Privacy Week: It is in public interest for the media to protect the identity of children victims of violence, not to reveal it​

Photo: Pixabay

The identity of children victims of violence is most often treated by the media as a source of sensationalist news that will bring them profit and attract readers, and the process of "information leakage" from the investigation to the media is obviously well-coordinated and organized.


Danas: How prevalent is labor exploitation in Europe during COVID-19 pandemic?

Danas: How prevalent is labor exploitation in Europe during COVID-19 pandemic?


An increasing number of people are losing their jobs, and the existing practices of workers' abuse in certain industries place labor exploitation at the forefront.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, organization Atina has, with the support of the Council of Europe, been particularly focused on the prevention of labor exploitation in the context of human trafficking. 


Parent’s sacrifice is expected even nowadays

A recent survey on the correlation between gender stereotypes and gender-based violence has shown that a significant number of women would neither leave their violent partner nor report violence.

Also, a great number of girls believe that the most important mission for a woman is to be fulfilled through a mother’s role and that her value is measured by her eagerness to sacrifice for her children and family.
