Pioneers of progression in their respective environments - Transgenerational feminist learning
Pioneers of progression in their respective environments - Transgenerational feminist learning
Pioneers of progression in their respective environments - Transgenerational feminist learning
Attacks on women in Serbia who promote science on TikTok
NEWS Author: Filip Rudić, August 6, 2023 20:30
TikTokers who promote science spoke for N1 of threats and insults they have been exposed to on this social network
Practitioners in Combating Human Trafficking with a Special Focus on Migration
Here you can see the winning posters from the competition “Pippi of Today” which was announced by organizations Atina and Save the Children to present girls on the move - bold, brave, persistent – Pippis of Today! The author of the poster is Lejla Jamakosmanović.
Photo: Jakov Simović
How can we improve the quality of safe housing services?
Illustration: NGO Atina's archive / Brlje
Safe housing – and especially specialized shelters for women – are key support for victims of domestic violence. However, creating a safe housing service aligned with the standards of the Istanbul Convention and integrating best practices from decades of experience can seem like a challenge. After all, how exactly can we create a quality safe housing service for women victims of violence?
Why is it important to have women's organizations run safe houses for women victims of violence?
Illustration: Soul Curry Art
The Istanbul Convention states that women-only safe houses managed by women’s organizations are the best way to support victims of domestic violence. But why is this the case? In which way are these safe houses making a difference for victims and for society as a whole?
Women’s shelters as resistance against male violence
Which safe housing services exist in Europe?
Illustration: O.M.Doodles/Instagram
Many European countries, including Serbia, have ratified the Istanbul Convention and are therefore under the obligation to deliver accessible and quality victim support services. However, what specific services are available in Europe that actually respect the standards of the Istanbul Convention?
Statistic for Europe as a whole
Which support services should victims of gender-based violence have access to according to the Istanbul Convention?
Illustration: Facebook
Victims of gender-based violence should have access to a wide array of services, and this obligation has been enshrined in the Istanbul Convention. But which exactly are these services?
Why is the safe housing service important for women victims of domestic violence?
Illustration: Existential sunflower/Instagram
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